Childcare Leave

Took half day childcare MC this pm to help take care of my son Ethan, who is ill with high fever in the 38 to 39 deg C range. My maid is also ill with vomiting and shivering spells, which is why both my wife and I have to knuckle down to help out. This is the 3rd time in as many weeks where Ethan came down with fever. Hopefully, it wouldn't stay for too long.

I noticed that Ethan has become a lot more eloquent recently, and am not sure if its a consequence of his illness. In fact, he is now able to articulate fairly complex sentences and thoughts. He is also able to maneuver the mouse on the PC and to double-click and open his favourite applications. I have noticed then whenever he was unwell, he tend to be more erudite in his speech.

When I spilled some sweet syrup in his room on Sunday, he retorted rather indignantly (despite the daze induced by the high temperature),"Why did you spill the syrup on my chair and floor? The ants will come and eat the chair you know." After a pause, he added emphatically, "This is my room you know. Later very dirty and difficult to clean."

Ethan has also been a lot more attentive recently when listening to his favourite story books. I have just read him about 8 books at one go - courtesy of the National Library Board's excellent double loan holiday service! He has also learnt to self medicate and could "inject" the syringe full of paracetamol into his mouth to bring down the fever.

OK, I need to go already.... His fever has crept past 39.1 and his hands are freezing.

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