Will You Do Whatever It Takes?

Courtesy of Spencer Limb

Challenges. Problems. Uncertainties. Obstacles. Stress.

These words form the lexicon of modern life, where resources - both financial and natural - are increasing being depleted while the demands of work, school and life put a severe drain on our beings. We don't need any reminding to know that we are all damaging our planet at an alarming rate. Attending to customer needs are also increasingly difficult as a growingly demanding and discerning population requests for more bang for the buck.

The office is also no longer a haven for lifelong employment. To stay nimble, flexible and focused, organisations are downsizing, rightsizing, and outsourcing in their bid to become cheaper, more cost effective and efficient. Executives and managers have to constantly pick up new skills, multi-task, and juggle increasing responsibilities.

How does one stay afloat in the sea of change filled with increasingly tempestuous and tsunami-sized waves?

Enter Resilience.

In the 2010s, the one human trait that can probably weather the brewing storms in this decade is one which has been around for the longest time.

Our ancestors in Singapore have lots of it. We have all heard how Singapore as a nation and an economy was conceived out of a little island of less than 700 sq km in area. We have all been regaled by the tales of how our pioneer leaders carved out a modern industrial park in Jurong out of a swampland. We have also been cheered by how sheer determination, hard work, and a never-say-die attitude have led to our current status as a first-world city that is comparable to most modern ones across the globe.

How does one increase one's resilience? A way to look at this is to work on the four variables of one's Adversity Quotient (AQ) by Dr Paul Stoltz, which is a measure of how you respond to adversity (change and challenges). This can summarised by the CORE Acronym, ie:

Control: The extent to which someone perceives they can influence whatever happens next.

Ownership: The likelihood that someone will actually doanything to improve the situation, regardless of their formal responsibilities.

Reach: The extent to which someone perceives an adversity will “reach into” and affect other aspects of the situation or beyond.

Endurance: The length of time the individual perceives the situation / adversity will last, or endure.

To ride the wave and respond to adversities, it is recommended that one should do the following:

Listen to your response to adversity.
Explore all origins and your ownership responses.
Analyze the evidence.
Do something.

(source: Stitches)

Here are some additional useful tips on managing various forms of challenges:

Financially: Especially in this economy, it’s important to plan for the future and really understand how to budget your money... Money is such a big part of people’s stress. The more planning and preparation, they better suited you are for encountering a bump in the road.

Mentally: Stress management is a really valuable tool to have. Being able to identify the types of stress and triggers can allow you to better prepare yourself, and even those around you, so that you can maintain your productivity not just at work, but at home as well.

Emotionally: Sometimes just taking a break from it all is necessary for your sanity. ... Turn your cell phone off for a few hours, don’t check your email if at all possible, go outside, go swimming, eat something grilled – you get the idea.

Physically: Stress and turmoil can actually take a physical toll on you. If you feel achy or seem to be getting headaches often, try adding some exercise into your day. ...the sunshine will do you some good. If you really feel ill, you should talk with your doctor about stress management and possible techniques – like meditation – to help you get through those rough patches.

(source: IT Freedom)

Do you have any tips on how one can manage adversity at work or at home?

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