Don't Listen to Me. Listen to Them!

Marketers need to hear better! (courtesy of OrientalAsylum)

Once in a while, you come across a gem of a post that you have to highlight. This one comes from Branding Strategy Insider, one of my more thought provoking regular reads on marketing.

As highlighted in the post, we marketers have a bad habit. We like to assume that we are marketing gurus understanding what makes an ad great, or how a website or brochure should look like. We heap praises upon creative concepts that WOW us, but seldom leave a second thought on what consumers will think about it (if they even bother that is).

In the words of Mark Ritson who wrote the post:

"Too many times assumptions about the market become accepted fact within a firm and then form the basis for multi-million-dollar investments. Talking to customers is often painful and difficult, but it is the only voice that any true marketer will listen to or speak with."

Definitely well said. I suppose it is time for us marketers to start paying attention to the ones we want to reach rather than ourselves. Stroking one's ego doesn't do any good for one's bottomline, especially when the economy has turned sour.

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