Got clued in to this brilliant revelation by Steve Rubel on how most of us are still living in the Jurassic Age when it comes to staying constantly connected via a myriad of digital tools and networks. Yep, that's right, according to the chart below (courtesy of Nortel), only 16% of us are truly hyperconnected and about 48% are either passively online or hardly at all.

Source: IDC/Nortel White Paper - The Hyperconnected: Here They Come!
This shows that despite what some of the pundits say, we are still living largely in an old-fashioned, traditional media oriented, physically based world.
One needs to still do some good ol' "First Life" marketing over and above creating all those snazzy social media marketing strategies, hopping from platform to platform, podcast to podcast, network to network.
In the words of Steve Rubel himself:
"The takeaway for marketers is to utilize all of the relevant venues/tactics as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy (the same goes for PR). Ignoring something because it's old school doesn't always make sense."
That certainly rings oh so true.Labels: digital world, marketing, social media