Tips for a Thank You Note

Here's yet another gem from Church of the Customer's Jackie Huba on writing "Thank You" notes that rock! If you want to build a word-of-mouth focused and buzzworthy business, here is the way to go. I would probably add another point which is to handwrite the note - if you can help it!
  1. Spell the recipient's name correctly (doh!).
  2. Thank the person for choosing your business. If they shared a specific reason why they choose your business of why they like it, reaffirm it. For heaven's sake, though, don't turn it into a sales pitch.
  3. Include a personal detail about the recipient that you picked up on. Prove that you were listening. Humanity is a good thing in the antiseptic world of business.
  4. Open the door to feedback. Whether the recipient provides it isn't the point; it's the idea that you're passionate about creating a recommendable experience.
  5. Be authentic: Include your full name and contact info -- email and/or phone. Or a business card.
Link here.

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