The Power of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yes, I am finally back from my blogging hiatus over the past 2 weeks or so. Thanks for your well-wishes and continued encouragement.

One of the reasons why I could bounce back to my feet is the result of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments which helped restore my health. You will be surprised at the efficacy of TCM herbal remedies which date back thousands of years. Unlike Western medication which tend to treat the symptoms, TCM looks at treating both the symptoms and the cause of ill health. It embraces a holistic approach and philosophy encompassing lifestyle changes, diet, and stress management in order to achieve true healing.

Of course, TCM isn't that cheap compared to visiting your regular GP. A typical session complete with medication may cost anything from $60 to $100 or more. Plus, they can't issue Medical Certificates (MCs). You also have to wait for a long time and make appointments to visit popular "sinsehs", and this includes hunting them down in obscure corners of the island!

Often, traditional remedies can do a lot more to fortify one's well being than the synthetic drugs and high potency antibiotics favoured in modern medicine. However, they do take a longer period of healing compared to the "wham, bam" approach favoured by state-of-the-art pharmaceuticals.

Of course, not everything can be healed through traditional approaches. For serious illnesses and emergencies, one should definitely consult a specialist or even make an appointment at the A&E units of hospitals. However, do consider them next time if you have a long-suffering running nose or a dizzy spell. I did and it certainly made a difference to me!

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