Do you know that Singapore's founding father Sir Stamford Raffles used to live up on Fort Canning? Or that this used to be called Bukit Larangan or "Forbidden Hill" in Malay?
With about 45 minutes to kill after breakfast and before Ethan's Chinese enrichment classes, my family decided to frolick this hilly green oasis in the middle of our concrete jungle. It was a certainly a pleasant walk in the park even with the warm midday sun beating down upon us.

Our climb started with a peek at the map of Fort Canning located beside the stairs.

Ethan and Tina huffing and puffing their way up the hill.

The reward? A spectacular view of the city framed in idyllic green.

This newly built fitness corner is just the thing for health nuts like me, who still have to clear my IPPT before my birthday this year!

A fallen tree trunk becomes home to ferns and other symbiotic floral and faunal species.

Information panels like this informs us about the park's historical legacies and tales.

Tina and Ethan taking a walk along the many red brick paths lining the park. These paths encircle the entire circumference of the hill. I believe there are about three different "bands" of ascending heights and degrees of breathlessness!

We spotted a cat catching a grey squirrel for its lunch near the forested area of the park. This other squirrel here climbed up a tree and squeaked plaintively, as if crying for its mate. I wondered though if its really warning other compatriots of the ferocious feline?

Old style wooden rails like this add character to the park.

So does this yellow brick wall with interesting hindu-inspired monstrous faces adorning its facade.

A view of the now disused River Valley Swimming Pool, where my wife Tina had many fond memories of splashing and swimming in its cool waters during her childhood days.

On the right side of the defunct pool is this other view, where the old Van Kleef Aquarium and National Theatre used to be. I still remembered fondly those days when I visited the aquarium as a kid and went goggle-eyed over its huge tanks full of exotic fishes.

Hmmm... what could these colourful slabs of stone resembling surfboards be about?

Ahh.... I see. They are part of an installation art work commissioned by the National Parks Board.

Of course, the short trip ended with smiles all around, especially for my little one who is trying to strike a cheeky pose.
PS - Happy 67th Birthday Pop! Will be posting pictures of our dinner at Broth shortly.Labels: attractions, Fort Canning, leisure marketing, lifestyle, personal, Singapore tourism, Uniquely Singapore