Came across this excellent piece from the net savvy executive on how one should manage and deal with bloggers, podcasters, you-tubers and other digital denizens. They have coined a new term for it called Social Media Relations. This could be an interesting offshoot from traditional public relations which is usually more concerned with Main Stream Media (MSM).
The key roles of Social Media Relations?
1) Coordinate the development and implementation of social media engagement strategy and policies, including blogging policy, formal blogger relations programs and social media monitoring programs.
2) Train functional groups (such as marketing, communications, and HR) on the technology and culture of social media as it relates to their roles.
3) Coordinate company's tactical response to social media issues.
4) Serve as the primary contact for external service providers and vendors who support the monitoring of, and engagement with social media.
What they are advocating is that organisations should no longer treat the blogosphere and other social media channels as merely a fringe activity, but rather an integral part of one's communications and even business strategy. So that it becomes not just a part-time ECA but a full-time occupation.
Certainly sounds like it is time to re-draw the organisation chart!
LinkLabels: communications, integrated marcoms, new media, PR, public relations, social media