Run on Sunshine

Today is going to be different. Somehow I can feel it in the air.

This morning, as I gazed out of the window, I saw a little glimmer of light amidst the hazy overcast skies. That little ray of sunshine beamed down through my window panes, casting an amber coloured hue on the bedroom. As I looked out of the window, I saw members of the silver-haired brigade doing their morning qi gong. The birds were also singing sweetly and cheerfully, welcoming the slight respite from days enshrouded in thick, choking haze.

Deep in my heart, there is a gentle stirring - a tiny nudge that somehow I need to get out there. While the fragrant scent of pure fresh air isn't going to come for a while, there is still no reason to hold back on carrying on life as normal. This prompted me to re-ignite my engine and re-start my regular morning jogs which have been KIV-ed in fear of the rising PSI levels. After stopping for a few days, getting back the momentum was initially a little tough, but once I started pounding the pavement, I knew that I am back on the road to religious fanatic road warrior-ism.

The running man is back. Watch out world, here I come!